Approach to the evaluation processes of development projects contemplated in the institutional framework of the international cooperation agencies of Latin America


  • Gabriela Nicole Zepeda Calles Universidad de El Salvador


Agency for International Cooperation, Projects evaluation, Latin America - institutional framework, Management and execution of cooperation


The Latin American region is not new in terms of International Cooperation Agencies, thus being in chronological order, the first Agency created in the region the ABC of Brazil, followed by the AGCID of Chile, then the APCI of Peru is created, later the AUCI of Uruguay is created, then, in the same year the APC of Colombia and the AMEXCID of Mexico are created, and finally, the ESCO of El Salvador is created, the first Agency at the Central American level. The purpose of this article is to study the first six Latin American cooperation agencies and their project evaluation processes established within their institutional framework, since, as their main criterion, it is necessary that they have experience of management and execution of cooperation in development projects; in addition, they must have a bibliographic repertoire of publications and public information about their work. Using these bibliographic inputs of each Agency, carrying out a review and documentary analysis, the inclusion of units or offices in charge of the evaluation of projects will be identified in its organizational structure, analyzing the relevance that each Agency provides to said action in accordance with the provisions of its institutional frameworks; in addition, relevant information regarding their evaluation processes will be collected to determine, if possible, which types of evaluation are used and whether the Agencies have gone through a process of learning or improvement with respect to evaluations.


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Author Biography

Gabriela Nicole Zepeda Calles, Universidad de El Salvador

International Relations professional from the University of El Salvador, with experience in Cooperation for Agricultural Development in the public sector and researcher with special emphasis on the life cycle of the project and the different evaluation processes at the Latin American level.


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How to Cite

Zepeda Calles, Gabriela Nicole. 2022. “Approach to the Evaluation Processes of Development Projects Contemplated in the Institutional Framework of the International Cooperation Agencies of Latin America”. Revista Relaciones Internacionales 4 (1):143-61.